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Professor Ngaiming MOK, Edmund and Peggy Tse Professor in Mathematics and Chair of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong, was awarded the 2022 Future Science Prize in Mathematics and Computer Science in recognition of his exceptional contributions in promoting the development of mathematics and computer science related basic research in the Greater China region.
While originality and the long-term significance of the award-winning work are the key selection criteria, the Prize also recognises its enormous global impacts. The recipients of the three categories will be honoured and each of them will be awarded a grant of USD ONE million to support the continuous development of their research works.
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is honoured to co-host the Award Ceremony with the Future Science Prize.
時間Time:15:30 -17:00
地點Venue:香港大學本部大樓陸佑堂 Loke Yew Hall, Main Building, HKU
語言Language:普通話 Putonghua
The Award Ceremony will be conducted through live streaming in Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong -
Simultaneous translation is not provided -
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to final confirmation
About Future Science Prize
Established in 2016 by a group of scientists and entrepreneurs, the Future Science Prize is to reward scientists who have made outstanding research achievements in our society, enlightening the spirit of science and promoting the development of innovative science among the next generation across China and the world. The Prize consists of three categories: Life Science, Physical Science and Mathematics and Computer Science. The award is nominated by invitation only and professionally evaluated by the Scientific Committee composed of outstanding scientists, upholding the principles of fairness, impartiality, and trust. For more information, please visit:
About Professor Ngaiming Mok
莫毅明教授 1975 年畢業於聖保羅男女中學。1980 年於史丹福大學獲博士學位後在美國普林斯頓大學任教,歷任哥倫比亞大學及法國巴黎大學教授,1994 年回港在香港大學任數學系講座教授至今。
莫教授曾獲美國 Sloan 獎、美國總統年青研究人員獎、1998 年度裘槎獎、2007 年度國家自然科學獎二等獎、2009 年度國數學協會伯格曼獎以及2022年第九屆世界華人數學家大會陳省身獎。莫教授多年來積極參與數學學術研討及發展,於 2002 至 2014 年擔任《數學發明》編輯委員,於 2010年擔任數學界最具代表性的國際數學家大會菲爾茲獎選委,及分別於 2006 年及 2014 年的國際數學家大會擔任「代數幾何與複幾何」學科小組和「分析及其應用」學科小組的核心選委。莫教授亦為港大數學研究所所長,致力發展研究平台促進各地學術的交流。他於 2015 年獲中國科學院選為數學物理部院士,及後於2017 年獲選為香港科學院院士。
Professor Mok was a graduate of St. Paul's Co-educational College in 1975. He obtained his PhD at Stanford University in 1980 and embarked on his teaching and research career at Princeton University. Subsequently, he was Professor at Columbia University and University of Paris, before returning to Hong Kong in 1994 to take up a Chaired Professorship in the Department of Mathematics at HKU.
Professor Mok is recognised worldwide for his research achievements. The prestigious awards he received include the Sloan Fellowship Award (US), Presidential Young Investigator Award (US), Croucher Award 1998 (Hong Kong), State Natural Science Award (Class II) 2007 (China), the Bergman Prize of the American Mathematical Society 2009, and the Chern Prize of the ICCM 2022. Professor Mok served on the Editorial Board of Inventiones Mathematicae from 2002 to 2014. He served as a member of the Fields Medal Committee for the world's prestigious International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in 2010, and was a core member for the subject panels of Algebraic and Complex Geometry in ICM 2006, and in Analysis and its Applications in ICM 2014. As Director of the Institute of Mathematical Research at HKU, Professor Mok also strives to provide a platform where researchers in Mathematics can freely exchange their research ideas, and create an ambiance that facilitates cross-fertilisation between different fields of Mathematics. He was elected a Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Mathematics and Physics) in 2015, and later a Member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences in 2017.